
St. Joseph's Hospital

Accredited by NABH, Ministry of Health, Govt. of India

Specialised healthcare for all, with a commitment to serving marginalised sections of society.

Specialty Departments & Facilities

Inpatient Department (IPD)
3 general wards
4 cabins

2 wards
2 cabins

1 ward with chemotherapy

1 ward

1 ward with attached nursery

1 ward

TB & Leprosy
Isolation ward


6 bedded

Operation Theatres
3 OTs. 2 Minor OT stations

8 Departments

Diagnostic Centre
Radiology & Pathology

Dialysis Centre
Projects underway for additional facilities to be commissioned shortly
• Critical Care Centre (Including Covid19 (ICU & HDU))
• Women & Childcare Centre (With Labour Rooms, NICU & PICU )

Partnerships with National Health Missions & Government Schemes
• Swasthya Sathi Scheme, MoH&FW, Govt of West Bengal
• Revised National TB Control Program (RNTCP)
• MDR-TB District Nodal Centre, MoH&FW, Govt of West Bengal
• National Programme for Control of Blindness (DBCS)
• National Leprosy Eradication Programme
• ESI (MB) Scheme - Govt. of West Bengal

Fulfilling its mission of universal healthcare, St. Joseph's Hospital was amongst the first non-government hospitals to provide indoor treatment under Swasthya Sathi Scheme of Govt of West Bengal since April 2018, long before this was made mandatory in the state

Commitment to sustainability
St Joseph's Hospital with several building blocks is nestled in a lush green eco-friendly campus. Several initiatives have been undertaken over the years to preserve and improve the micro environment and develop a green campus which also aids in patient wellbeing.

• Hundreds of full grown fruit bearing trees and plant nursery
• Rooftop solar plant to meet energy consumption of lighting and water heating Organic vegetable farming, with fresh produce being utilised in hospital kitchen Dairy with well cared for milk producing cows to meet patient nutrition
• Fish cultivation in the campus pond
• Plans to double rooftop solar capacity and reduce grid fossil energy consumption