Women Empowerment

The jewelry crafting training initiated by Project SAMBANDH at Seva Kendra Calcutta's extension center, Serampore ASHA farm, has been making significant strides since September 2023! This unique program empowers women in Serampore and nearby villages, transforming them into independent and one of the earning members for their families. The use of affordable materials results in stunning and reasonably priced jewelry, showcasing the talent of these women. Their exclusive creations have earned over four thousand rupees through various events. The jewelry crafting teacher's market exposure visits have broadened the candidates' horizons, introducing them to new possibilities. Additionally, a Capacity Building Program on Government Entitlement Schemes and Linkages Training for Skill Development has prepared them for future success.

Let's applaud the dedication and hard work of these artisans who redefine beauty and empowerment. Happy Women's Day to every incredible woman—may your strength and creativity continue to shine brightly!